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Local artist turns flesh to stone
Living Statues by Mott of Art for Your Head Entertainment Services for YNN News Morning Show (formerly News 8 Austin)
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By: Heidi Zhou
Local makeup artist Mott Leonino said the goal of a living statue is to fool the eye.
“I like to create the illusion and then have that illusion burst,” she said.
That’s what Leonino does best. She’s been turning everyday people into the sublime for more than 20 years.
The process isn’t simple. Paint has to cover every inch of the model’s exposed skin.
Last week, artist Owl Morrison turned into a living angel statue.
“The tiresome part is getting it all off,” she said.
After the paint comes the powder, and an angel is born.
While she rested her wings, News 8’s Heidi Zhou got to start the fun. Leonino turned the reporter into the Statue of Liberty.
The paint is wet and slimy, especially when Leonino sticks it in your ears and between your toes.
“It’s like the weirdest pedicure you’ll ever have,” she said.
The hard part comes after the transformation happens. A living statue has to stand perfectly still. You can’t talk, laugh or whine about how much it hurts to hold up your arm.
“You stand still for so long that people just assume you’re a mannequin. When you finally do move, something as simple as a wink or an eye roll, people really jump,” Leonino said.
It’s all about art, and art can be painful, but it’s all worth it to turn what’s usually stone into living wonder.
You can find out more about living statues and the work of artist Mott Leonino at her Web site:
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